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Symbol Lucky Numbers Ruling Planet Lucky Day Lucky Colour Compatible zodiac Signs Lucky Gemstones
Bull 1, 9 Venus Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays White and Green Scorpio, Virgo Diamond, Coral, Emerald

Your zodiac sign – Nature, personality and merits and demerits

Your zodiac sign tells a lot about you. Through this, your nature, personality and your habits can be known. Due to the influence of zodiac sign, qualities and defects are seen in a person. Let us know your nature, personality, health and merits and demerits according to your zodiac sign. Choose your zodiac sign–

Taurus Zodiac characteristics

People of Taurus zodiac sign have strong and consistent personality. in taurus zodiac sign This is the second zodiac sign to come. These people are calm and gentle but their mental capacity Know very well. People of Taurus sign like to achieve money, property and fame. Are. People of this zodiac sign have a tendency to dominate, hence these people are naturally They remain rigid and determined. What kind of change do these people like in their daily routine? Don't do it. People of Taurus zodiac sign are among those people who are independent in their choices in life. Want to get everything easily. They are naturally introverted and very reliable. Are there. Because these are the people you can rely on for help. Security And commitment is their top priority. Taurus people love their partner Are not willing to give freedom. These people want their smallest wishes to be fulfilled. Have a desire. People of Taurus zodiac sign easily get trapped in bad habits in bad times. Are. These people are builders and investors by profession. The people of Taurus zodiac should fulfill their duties, There is a feeling of responsibility and reliability.

taurus zodiac health

Taurus ascendant is giving you a strong and excellent health. but some physical problems You may have to face this throughout your life. especially those related to the nervous system May suffer from diseases. If you are born in the month of May then you will be overweight. There may also be a problem. Sometimes sexual diseases can take you under their influence. Other than this Chances of having problems with cervical vertebrae, lower jaw, teeth, chin and palate in life. Is also made. Alert you about diseases occurring in kidneys, genitals, bladder, neck and throat. should remain.

taurus Rashi's nature and personality

Due to being born under Taurus ascendant, you may be somewhat impractical. because of which You may not like new people. Meeting new people because of his quiet and introverted behavior Doesn't like to socialize. If you are not treated properly and not understood If this happens, you may develop feelings of resentment and stereotyping towards others. You often face difficulties in making new friends due to which you Hesitate to meet people. You may be reliable and practical in nature Is. This nature of yours can bring you good success in business. your personality There may also be a sense of sensuality. Due to this you will attain material happiness in all areas. You strive for success and you can also be quite entrepreneurial in nature. you your tasks Complete it as per your requirement in given time. and efforts made by others We also appreciate him and also praise his talent openly. your behavior at that time Can also be like a boss. Not easily attracted to people of your zodiac sign It can be done and even if it is done, great care has to be taken. you guys your Remain fairly steadfast in their values ​​and principles, and it is easy to change your viewpoint. Does not happen. Your affectionate nature and appreciative nature will make others appreciate your And attracts. Because of this you have a magnetic personality. you nature You will not be impulsive but if you are treated forcefully then you Can be furious. At times you may also be prejudiced and stubborn. you are very careful Let's select our friends from. And you don't like to lie even though you Can be easily observed.

taurus zodiac sign's physical appearance

People with Taurus ascendant are short in height and sometimes have lean physique. usually But you people have beautiful physique, high nose, bright eyes and sensual lips. as much as yours You are not that lucky to have a beautiful face. your body structure It is square shaped only. You people also have some marks on your back. Taurus ascendant people Are friendly people.