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Symbol Lucky Numbers Ruling Planet Lucky Day Lucky Colour Compatible Signs Lucky Gemstones
Lion 1, 5 and 9 Sun Tuesday, Friday, Sunday Golden, Orange, Cream, and Red Aries, Sagittarius Peridot

Your zodiac sign – Nature, personality and merits and demerits

Your zodiac sign tells a lot about you. Through this, your nature, personality and your habits can be known. Due to the influence of zodiac sign, qualities and defects are seen in a person. Let us know your nature, personality, health and merits and demerits according to your zodiac sign. Choose your zodiac sign–

Lion Zodiac characteristics

Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac whose lord is the Sun. Love of Leo people It is concentrated in one place and is highly appreciated. Leadership ability in their nature since birth Has the quality of. They are courageous, determined and have a royal style. These are your expressions We leave our impact on other people. His personality is very enthusiastic and attractive. It happens. By nature they are talkative, although they are very careful in choosing their words. Do it wisely. They are very romantic partners for their beloved.

The unique style of Leo people attracts people of the opposite sex. As a friend, they are true companions. His style of living was like that of a king. Is. They are honest by nature and are not jealous of the success of others. Their expectations are higher from themselves than from others. sometimes while working Seem more curious. These people are very optimistic, charitable and kind.

Lion zodiac health

Being the lord of Leo ascendant, you may have heart related problems especially blood in the arteries. There is a risk of diseases like heart attack due to clotting of blood. Back Pain, lung problems, spinal problems, fever, burning sensation, Rib problems etc. may occur commonly. And mental stress can harm your heart. Can reach and sometimes even cause eye disorders.

Lion Rashi's nature and personality

People of your ascendant have dynamic and attractive personalities. And your aspirants, To be courageous, strong-willed, positive, independent and full of self-confidence. Possibilities are being created. You may have a nature of speaking the truth and you may be well-versed. You know what you want and you work wholeheartedly and creatively to get it. Let's complete it. Although you are short-tempered and sometimes aggressive when upset about something There may also be those who have a tendency to be. You are very sensitive to personal attacks. And when your ideals are criticized, you become very angry. You Can be stubborn by nature and believe in the fact that you have been raised The step is correct. Whether it is right or wrong, you stick to it till the end. your human qualities There are chances of becoming prosperous. People of your ascendant are easygoing, happy and intelligent. And are open minded. And you follow conservative principles in religion. But they are also sensitive to the teachings of others.

Lion zodiac sign's physical appearance

Leo ascendant people have charismatic personality and people are attracted to your personality. Are quite attracted. They are more similar in terms of physical appearance than personality. Don't be lucky, you are of average height and have a well-built upper body. Is. People of your ascendant have light yellow eyes and oval faces. of your marriage A man or woman may appear controlled but can be easily persuaded. Passion And passion is common in you.