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Symbol Lucky Numbers Ruling Planet Lucky Day Lucky Colour Compatible zodiac Signs Lucky Gemstones
Twins 5, 6, 14, 23, 32 Mercury Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Green, Yellow, and Orange Libra, Aquarius Agate, Aquamarine

Your zodiac sign – Nature, personality and merits and demerits

Your zodiac sign tells a lot about you. Through this, your nature, personality and your habits can be known. Due to the influence of zodiac sign, qualities and defects are seen in a person. Let us know your nature, personality, health and merits and demerits according to your zodiac sign. Choose your zodiac sign–

Gemini Zodiac characteristics

Gemini is a zodiac sign with dual nature. People of this zodiac sign are intellectual and independent. Also, these people are lovable and versatile. Gemini people Are ready to accept any challenge in love relationships and do something mysterious Let's work. They become angry in one moment and calm down in the next moment. Let's go. Due to the dual nature of Gemini people, it is a bit difficult to understand them. It happens. These people are very much liked in the society. Because they know that people How to keep someone happy. People of Gemini zodiac are romantic type of people. The lord of Gemini is planet Mercury. Mercury is the factor of change and communication hence Gemini People of this zodiac sign have good language style and they are able to face every difficult situation. Are ready for. People of this zodiac sign are idealistic and cheerful, and also follow their desires. And share interest with friends. The language and dialect of Gemini people is very good. it occurs. These people are smart and inspire others with their ideas. These People complete their tasks at the workplace with great efficiency. Gemini The natives perform very well in the media and artistic fields.

Gemini zodiac health

Due to the influence of Gemini Ascendant, you sometimes have the tendency of nervousness, pessimism, submissiveness and impatience. Can come. And diseases like tuberculosis, asthma and anemia can become your problems. as well as You may be affected by problems related to the nervous system and breathing, especially hearing. Is. Respiratory problems and various types of anxiety problems usually trouble you. Can.

Gemini Rashi's nature and personality

Due to being under the influence of Gemini ascendant, you are very captivating, attractive and soft-spoken. Will be. You are also likely to be of a very strong nature both physically and mentally. It is being made. Your personality is such that you appear younger than your age. in you There is a tendency to do something new. You are unable to stay focused on any one thought and Soon one gets bored with his work. This is why you dwell on one issue for a long time. Unable to concentrate. You use others for your own benefit. There is also a tendency to do so. Since your mind is constantly changing, trust in you It is dangerous to do. People of your zodiac sign give more importance to intellectual things, your Communication is of great importance. That is why you do not consider knowledge as an asset to be accumulated. Among all the solar signs, Gemini is considered to be the most versatile sign. when you If we take a decision on one issue, we change it the very next moment. of your marriage People are open minded and more inquisitive. You rarely have any goals But you think deeply and stay away from all kinds of conspiracies. as well as yourself But are unable to control it.

Gemini zodiac sign's physical appearance

People with Gemini ascendant have bright eyes and are charming with their words. you guys are skinny They are of average height and build. Sometimes you look as attractive as a model Are. Your personality is quite attractive with fair complexion, small forehead, beautiful face and curly hair. Seems like Your forehead is broad and eyes also look beautiful. but attractive personality Despite this, you have to face diseases and health problems.