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Crab 7 Moon Tuesdays, Fridays, Thursdays, and Sundays Magenta Scorpio, Pisces Ruby

Your zodiac sign – Nature, personality and merits and demerits

Your zodiac sign tells a lot about you. Through this, your nature, personality and your habits can be known. Due to the influence of zodiac sign, qualities and defects are seen in a person. Let us know your nature, personality, health and merits and demerits according to your zodiac sign. Choose your zodiac sign–

Cancer Zodiac characteristics

People of Cancer zodiac sign are determined. He is very loving towards his loved ones, They are trustworthy and caring. They expect the same in return Lives with partner. However, sometimes they try to exert more authority over their partner. We do. Relationship matters a lot to them. This is for the happiness of my love Are ready to do something. People with Cancer zodiac sign are arrogant, that is why they Live on principles. Although their inner nature is quite gentle but on the outside They are very tough.

They have a feeling of dedication towards the people very close to them. Still this is a skilled They are diplomatic and intelligent. If people of Cancer sign are few in any area If they work hard then they can hoist their flag in that field. their memory power too They are very strong, but due to being reticent, sometimes they miss many such opportunities. In which they can perform better. They are definitely a little delicate with health. But they are rich in imagination.

Cancer zodiac health

Cancer Ascendant: You may have common problems related to cough, indigestion, gas, stomach, liver and intestines. Is creating a possibility. Due to the influence of ascendant, you may suffer from emotional problems like depression, hypochondria. And diseases like hysteria etc. can occur. Your being very sensitive affects your digestive power. By weakening you, it is making you more likely to suffer from gastric and other stomach related diseases. Apart from this, the problem of cough and weakness of eyes can also make you sick.

Cancer Rashi's nature and personality

Due to the influence of Cancer ascendant, you may have intuition, emotions, and a tendency to dream. Is. You may have special qualities in language and communication skills. Apart from this, your sharp mind, There are also possibilities of having a kind-hearted and playful nature. among the people of your ascendant Some spiritual qualities are also found and symptoms of madness are also found in some people. Are. Your memory power is very strong. You are simple, sensitive, kind by nature And may be of domestic nature. In personal relationships, on the one hand, you are firm, affectionate, You are emotional and romantic while on the other hand you are stubborn, possessive and have feelings of loyalty. Are also equipped with. You are very responsible regarding relationships. your strong memories There is a possibility of becoming the master of power and you will never be able to forget any shock. Is. Being an emotional person, you never forget someone's mistake. whose This reason can prove to be both good and bad for your friends. you bright nature, They can prove to be extremely careful and equally productive.

Cancer zodiac sign's physical appearance

People with Cancer ascendant have a round body structure and look old even at the age of thirty. Start appearing. You may have dark and short hair, small nose, bulging eyes. And the skull is round. And your height is shorter than average. The people of your ascendant are attractive Not lucky in terms of personality. Your physical structure is in good shape, The upper part of your body is broad. Generally: You are fair in complexion.